Tuesday, September 4, 2012

If you don't like it, get out!

I’ve said it before in real life (and, I’m pretty sure I will say it again), if you don’t like what you see or hear: move on.

Periodically we are all subject to the conversations of others. You know, you're within earshot of a conversation, and you can't help but hear every word being spoken. It's not that you are trying to listen in or disrespect their privacy (but if they really meant their words to stay private, they wouldn't be spoken in the company of others, right?), but it's there, and it's difficult to tune out. Fairly recently, I was at an event, sitting nearby a couple ladies having one of these conversations that I couldn't help but hear. And what struck me about their conversation was not the fact that I could hear it, but that I couldn’t stop listening to the gossip and negative conversations they were sharing. They spent the better portion of an hour spewing poisonous words; putting down this person and that person, followed by their expressions of hatred towards their jobs (be thankful for your employment!), and frustrations with husbands and/or family. There was not ONE single positive thing these ladies had to say. I kid you not. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I moved. I changed seats, and I got up and walked around. I was now out of ear shot of them. I no longer had to listen to their gossipy mean chit-chat. I made my choice: move my butt, so I no longer had to listen to these ladies.

I did not enjoy hearing them. I didn't make a big spectacle of it, but I picked myself up, and moved on. I moved to the other side of the room. I am happy I did, because these ladies sat there for another hour: I did not hear that last hour… Thank goodness.

My point in sharing this (rather vague) story is: if you don’t like what you see or hear, get out of there. I’ve had my fair share of negative comments and feedback thrown my way (whatever, brush it off), but I still can’t understand why anyone would continue to go back to something they hate. Why would you want to continue to perpetuate a relationship or situation with a person who is, in your opinion, never interesting? Is it just so you can join in the gossip? (Yes.) Calling people ugly and stupid is fun? I don’t know.

There is no guarantee there will be no backlash from walking away, but for goodness' sake, do it for your own sanity.

I’ve been trying my best this year to move forward after experiencing a painful backlash, continuing to work on myself and be a better (and bigger) person. Then I hear mean words spoken by perfect strangers, and even experience snide attitudes… And, I feel the instinctive urge to start pulling away. Instead, I ignore the bad. As much as I want to watch the train wreck of emotions, I don't want to end up hurt, again, so I ignore. I block it out. I will ignore it and not support it. There will always be mean spirited people out there in the world with weird, random, unrealistic and hateful things to say about you, even under the 'guise of "advice" or "clearing the air", but I choose to look away and ignore the hurtful things people will say about me. 

I choose to accept the fact that maybe not everyone I meet will like me (believe me, that’s the hardest part. I don’t like to not be liked… Or, even hated). But, whatever. I know me. I am a good person. I do have some friends that truly enjoy me, and I enjoy them. I can’t win everyone over (even when I want to). But, do I really want to? I don't believe anyone likes negative/toxic friendships, especially me… and, I don’t put up with them. So, I think I’m glad I can’t win them all over.

I speak my mind. 
     Yes! I do. 
I do have high standards. 
     Yup, I do

Yes, I believe in people, and expect greatness from great people… I think it’s important to remain optimistic especially when so many negative influences are out there to bring us down. 

I have great faith in others
     I don’t hide the fact that I do. 
          Heck yeah! 

I forgive, but don't mistake my forgiveness as forgetfulness. 
     I don't make the same mistakes twice.  
           Holy crap! 

I am extremely loyal. 

I am never mean.  

I am happy.  
     Yes, I have bad days (especially given the year I've had), but luckily, there are a lot fewer bad days when I ignore all the negativity. I can and will focus on the positive. <3 p="p">

I have the brain power to hit delete to those mean comments, and I make the choice to ignore all the negativity.

The true ugly: mean.

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