{Perception is based on the Individual}

The funny thing about blessings in disguise is that you never can prepare yourself ahead of time to be on the look-out for challenging times ahead. Hind-sight will always be 20-20. When faced with tough circumstances, and difficult choices, life can seem impossible... being able to look beyond your current feelings, inconceivable.
But then you emerge from the blinding storm, finding yourself somehow victorious, and able to see clearly all that has occurred. Peaks and valleys - we all endure great highs and lows, but it is what you choose to do in the valleys of your life that defines you, and builds your character.
The past six months have been challenging on many fronts. Friendships have been trying, dreams beginning to take flight have been swatted down by neigh-sayers. Challenging months, yes, but life experience has taught me that good things come to good people that are patient. So, despite the bouts with depression, stemming from my own self-doubt, coupled with negative energy spewing from others, I tried my best to not get sucked into the storm, rising above to forgive those that have intentionally, or unintentionally hurt me.
As a child, I was taught that being sorry is not a complete process without sincerely asking for forgiveness. Same goes for forgiveness. Saying "I forgive you" means nothing to the person you've forgiven if you are continually reminded of your wrongs, or even treated in a different manner! Recognizing that some are not capable of ever truly forgetting harms done to them, sometimes we must turn a blind eye when we are reminded of our painful pasts. Social terrorism, however, is completely unacceptable.
A social terrorist deliberately goes out of their way to make others' feel terrible about themselves, for no apparent reason, other than to get back at those they feel have harmed them. Whether this behavior stems from a place of insecurity, I do not know, but I've known a few of these social terrorists in my short life... and am certain I'll encounter a few more before my days are over. I wish I could avoid them like the plague!
Social Terrorists aren't always recognizable upfront. Some disguise themselves as helpful acquaintances, others you can know for years before you recognize the spectrum of their true colors. Some will even act like decent, trustworthy people, until they turn on you the second they begin to believe you are a foe. Worse yet, some will even try to turn others against you too, convincing the weak-minded, and bullying the strong-minded into believing their lies.
Convince themselves all they like, I am not the bad guy. I have never truly deserved any of the censure any social terrorist has bestowed upon me. When did "eye for an eye" ever become okay? I don't agree with this hurtful behavior, so, try as they might, the social terrorists I have encountered in my life have all but disappeared from my radar. I have chosen remove myself from their toxic influence, without drama, if I can avoid it. Sometimes the web they have woven is so complex, their hold is not so easily escaped, but I believe that once the truth is realized, those that are under the influence of said social terrorist will come around, if you continue to take the high road.
I am so blessed with relationships and friendships that will stand the test of time, and the warfare of social terrorists. These friends will always be few and far between, and all the more cherished. I know that these people love me for who I am, accept me at my worst, appreciate my blatancy, and have patience for my mess-ups. All I need to do now is remind myself that I have this faith in them when factors come into play that challenge our trust and love. All the hardship can sometimes be a blessing, sometimes in disguise.